Our Vision
Our Mission
- To continue to lead as a market leader in industry.
- Shift from a product-oriented business to a customer-oriented business.
- Penetrating New Markets by integration with Global Companies.
- Provide customers satisfactions with the best quality products and services.
- Employ and train staffs to give the better service to the customers and to control the product quality standard compare with international.
- Increase operational efficiencies with well trained and qualified staffs
- Products
- People (Management & Staff &Customers)
- Quality
- Customer Satisfaction
Transformer operates a quality management system apporved to ISO 9001:2008, ISO 14001:2015
Panel operates a quality management system apporved to ISO 9001:2015

Quality Management AG Transformer and Panel operates a Quality Management System approved to ISO 9001:20015 Every Stage inspection and testing after every sequence of operation is carried out with the help of check sheets and procedures to check conformity with the design and specifications at important process levels such as winding, coil pressing, core handling and stacking of laminations, coil assembly, connection, drying, tanking, oil filling.,etc. Incoming materials are procured from AGE approved sources and are subjected to quality checks as per internal standards based on IEC. Quality Control Department are served the inspection and test procedures which throughout to ensure the accuracy and consistency of production, especially in critical areas with records being kept of the operations. The whole Quality Management System is under constant review and audited periodically. This is to ensure that at each stage the work is carried out to the customer’s requirements and satisfaction.

Our Environmental Policy is to be a responsible corporate citizen in protecting the environment. We are committed to complying with accepted environmental practices, including the commitment to meet or exceed applicable legal and other requirements, to strive for continual improvement in our environmental management system, and to minimize the creation of wastes and pollution. We will, therefore, manage our processes, our materials, and our people in order to reduce the environmental impacts associated with our work.
Our Environmental Policy provides the framework for setting and reviewing environmental objectives and targets. Our Environmental Policy is documented, implemented and maintained and communicated to all employees.
Asia General Transformer Company pledges to implement and operate the ISO-14001:2004 Environmental Management System to further enhance environmental performance. Our main objectives and commitments are to:
- Investigate the reduction of hazardous and toxic chemicals
- Maintain natural resources against company requirement and reduce, reuse and recycle waste.
- Improve the efficiency of energy waste
This policy will be communicated to all parties interested in the performance of our environmental management system, including the public.
World class Quality Management System:
Accredited by KERI : We have passed at the first attempt, type test including short circuit test at the world renowned laboratory – Korea Electrotechnology Research Institute (KERI).
- 315kVA, 11/0.4kV Transformer
- 1,000kVA, 33/0.4kV Transformer
Accredited by DEKRA : We have passed the high efficient, low loss transformer, type test at the european laboratory in Netherlands – DEKRA.
- 30MVA, 66/11kV High Efficient Transformer
- 100MVA, 230kV
- 500kVA, 11/0.4kV
Accredited by Tecnalia : We have passed the cast-resin Dry Type Transformer, type test at international testing laboratory in Spain-Tecnalia.
- 2500/3500 kVA , 33/11 kV.
During type tests, our transformers underwent extreme stresses such as short circuit tests which our transformers successfully passed without any failure.

KERI is a full member of Short-Circuit Testing Liaison (STL) and recognised by the members of International Accreditation Cooperation (ILAC) which means the reports issued by KERI are recognised by membercountries including U.S, Japan, Germany and the U.K.
DEKRA is accredited by the Dutch Board of Accreditation (RvA) which is a member of the International Laboratory Accreditation Cooperation (ILAC) and the International Accreditation Forum (IAF).
Accredited by ABB : Asia General Electric Co.,Ltd awarded Licensed Certificate of ABB (Switchzerland) for Medium-Voltage Switchgear type Unisafe and Low Voltage Switchgear Type System Pro E power .

33rdConference Of ASEAN

Our Asia General Electric Holding Co.Ltd, was confered for Asean Outstanding Engineering Achievement award within ASESN Countries in 2015.
We, Asia General Electric Holding Co.,Ltd , were reward this Asean Outstanding Engineering Achievement Award-2015 at the 33rd Conference of ASEAN Federatiom of Engineering Organization(CFEO-33), at Hotal Equatorial Penang , in Malaysia on 25, 2015
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The Asia General Way:
- Knowledge
- Continuous development always aiming for the top
- Critical Thinking and problem solving
- Trust
- Work with integrity
- Respecting rules, regulation, and coworkers
- Being responsible
- Safety at work is priority
- Satisfaction
- Products and services that meet and go beyond expectations that merits our customers trust
- Perfection
- High-quality workmanship
- Attention to detail