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Mandalay Branch Opening Ceremony of Asia General Holding Co.,Ltd

On January 22,Asia General Holding Co.,Ltd opened their new branch in Mandalay. Dr.Zaw Myint Maung,Chief Minister of Mandalay Region and his government members were attending the event and visited the showroom. The showroom address is No.(901), 78 Road, (Ygn-Mdy) Road, Theik Pan Street & University Street, Mahar Aung Myae Township,Mandalay,Myanmar.

33rdConference Of ASEAN

Our Asia General Electric Holding Co.Ltd, was confered for Asean Outstanding Engineering Achievement award within ASESN Countries in 2015. We, Asia General Electric Holding Co.,Ltd , were reward this Asean Outstanding Engineering Achievement Award-2015 at the 33rd Conference of ASEAN Federatiom of Engineering Organization(CFEO-33), at Hotal Equatorial Penang , in Malaysia on 25, 2015